Tonga Whale Swim Adventure

dan itibaren AUD 6.950,00 AU$
  • Süre: 7 Gun (Tahmini)
  • Ürün kodu: 777

Join a boutique small group tour to the crystal blue waters of Vava'u, Tonga to swim with the magnificent humpback whales. We have one of the best boats in Vava`u,  a large and stable 10m  flybridge Powercat with walk in toilet and enclosed cabin. Our ensuite accommodation is right on the water and just 2 minutes walk from the restaurants and nightlife  of Neiafu village. This truly is the experience of a lifetime.

​Our Tour includes 7 nights accommodation in the picturesque Boathouse apartments right on the waterfront and just minutes walk to the restaurants and shops of Neiafu village. The boat will pick you up on the doorstep each morning.

Our Boat

We have a 10metre Powercat with flybridge upstairs for viewing the action , enclosed cabin and walk in toilet. Many boats in Vava`u are small and cramped speed boats with very little protection from weather and the wind and waves with no toilets.. our boat is perfect for big days out on the ocean in safety and comfort. Our boat is Tongan owned and operated so you are directly supporting the local community.

If you are a confident swimmer and can breathe through a snorkel you can swim with the whales, you don't need to be a SCUBA diver or Freediver!

Tonga is the best place in the world to swim with Humpback whales. Warm, blue tropical waters and the surrounding coral reefs and islands make Tonga the perfect nursery for the whales to birth their calves and socialize. The Local government adheres to a strict whale swim policy. Only 4 people are allowed in the water with a whale at any time. Our experienced boat operators are careful not to stress the whales and ultimately the whales choose whether they want to swim with us or not. That said, we swim with whales every day!

The water in Tonga averages a balmy tropical 26°C , and air temperatures are a comfortable 23-30°C July to October. The Trade winds can sometimes feel a bit cool when you`re wet on the boat. Most days it's sunshine and bikinis, but it's good to have a 3mm wetsuit for days when the winds are up and its cloudy.

If you are looking for an unforgettable experience, swimming with Humpback whales in Tonga will deliver! Coral reefs, blue water and palm fringed islands, delicious fresh fruit and seafood, and tropical paradise on your doorstep!

The Whales!

Humpback Whales migrate from their feeding grounds in Antarctica to the warm waters of Tonga to mate and give birth. They begin to arrive in June/July and calves are born between July and September. As well as having calves, single male Whales compete for the attention of a female, listen to the trumpet blows and witness the mighty displays of breaching, spy hopping, tail slapping and pectoral fin in the battle to mate for the following season. Put your head underwater and hear, see and feel the song of the male humpback whale as he fills the ocean with notes, clicks, grunts and whistles to attract a female and warn off smaller males.

Mothers and calves are the best encounters, with the mother lying at about 10 metres, often sleeping with one eye closed for up to 20 minutes with the calf surfacing every 3 to 5 minutes and playing on the surface. The calves are very inquisitive and will approach swimmers so you are able to eyeball each other.Often there is a male escort with the mother and calf. The female has come back into season even though she is lactating and it is possible for her to mate.